BMB Volunteer Info

Become a volunteer!

Please consider joining our fun and dedicated group of volunteers.  Simply put, without the support of our volunteers and their behind-the-scenes efforts, our marching band could not operate.  Volunteering is a fun and rewarding way to connect with other parents and supporters, and to be a part of our band's success!

BMB Volunteer opportunities

* = Volunteer Registration required for items marked with a '*' (see below for details)


Please consider donating to provide donut breakfasts for the band on competition days and a pizza meal during one of our competitions. Thank you so much!  Sign up here

*SHOW CHAPERONES AND FIELD ASSISTANTS (9/7 8am-8pm, 9/14 8am-8pm, 9/21 8am-8pm, 10/5 12pm-10pm, 10/12 6am-11:45pm)

Volunteer to Chaperone the Field Show Day and help move equipment for the band.  All times subject to change.  A couple people will need to ride the bus (TBD at time of show), a group is needed to help move front ensemble equipment on and off the field and another group to assist with getting props on and off the field.  Instructions will be provided prior to each show. No special skills or knowledge needed!  Sign up here

*TRAILER PULLERS (9/7 11am-11pm, 9/14 11am-11pm, 9/21 8am-10pm, 10/5 12pm-11pm, 10/12 6am-11:55pm)

We need two trucks to pull trailers for each show.  Times subject to change. Truck must be minimally 1/2 ton but prefer 3/4 ton or 1 ton due to weight and size. You will need a 2 5/16" ball hitch and proper light hook-ups.  Trailers are equipped with electric break controllers.  Your vehicle should have an electric brake controller due to DOT laws. Responsibilities include bringing trailer behind school to load, pull to show site, pull back to school to unload and park in south parking lot.  It is preferred that your vehicle remain with the trailer during the event. The U.S. Bank Show requires a seasoned driver due to tight spacing and traffic. Contact Becky Rasmusson with questions.  612-269-6698  Sign up here

*FOOTBALL HALFTIME PERFORMANCE SUPPORT (9/6, 9/20, 10/10, 10/17 7pm-9pm; subject to change)

Assist band to get on/off the field at half time.  Meet at the far side of the bleachers when the 2nd quarter is half done.  Sign up here

*BMB COMMITTEE (various dates/times, year-round)

The Blaine Marching Band (BMB) Committee is a group of volunteers committed to supporting the marching band students and staff.  Please visit the committee page for more info.

How to volunteer

Contact or for volunteer-related questions